Mini Grants
One South Euclid
One South Euclid offers grants of up to $500 to groups and organizations who want to build community by working together on projects and programs related to neighborhood beautification, events, or other initiatives in support of South Euclid. Take a look at our past awardees and what they have done with their mini grants.
Who is eligible?
South Euclid residents on behalf of a group or organization
A group of South Euclid businesses
An organization located in the community
Youth-led projects are encouraged
You may apply for up to $500.
A 20% match is required to demonstrate buy-in and can be in cash, volunteer hours, or through donated items, such as space and equipment/supplies.
Applications must be received before a project has been completed.
Grant dollars are issued on a reimbursement basis.
Your project or event must be completed by December 31, 2025.
This grant does not support projects for individual residential properties.
Applications will reopen March 1, with a deadline of March 31, 2025.
A limited amount of funds are available for mini-grant projects. Grant decisions will be made by May 1.
To apply for a project that will take place before May 1, please contact us.
Q. Does a group need to be an established organization or a 501 (c)3 to receive a grant?
A. No, we welcome applications from informal groups such as a few residents getting together to do something for their neighborhood.
Q. Whom do I contact if I have more questions?
A. Please call 216-396-9392 or email grants@onesoutheuclid.org
If your group receives a mini grant, then let us know the impact it made. Tell us your story. We'd love to hear from you!
2023 Awards
Bite Creole Kitchen - Youth Culinary Program
Community Partnership on Aging - Chili Cook-Off to benefit Fall Prevention Programming
Empower Each Other - Get Dressed & Fun Fest
GardenWalk South Euclid - 2023 6th Annual GardenWalk South Euclid
South Euclid Garden Club - Enhancing the Monticello-Belvoir "Welcome to South Euclid" garden
South Euclid - Lyndhurst Historical Society - Repair window boxes to beautify Mayfield Road
Team Couture Youth Center - Hallo Fun Fest
Five Block Parties: Berwick Lane, Haywood Drive, PACA (includes Parkside, Ammon, and Azalea Roads), Salisbury Road, Wilburn-Hillrock-Bradford neighborhoods
2022 Awards
Bite Creole Kitchen - Youth Culinary Program
DANCECleveland - “Read to Learn … Dance to Move”
GardenWalk South Euclid - 2022 5th Annual GardenWalk South Euclid
Indie Green Market - Semi-monthly local markets
Museum of American Porcelain Art - Holiday Open House
P.R.O.S.E. (Painted Rocks of South Euclid) - A community art project
South Euclid Garden Club - Community beautification of gardens in the city’s public spaces.
Team Couture Youth Center - Hallo Fun Fest
Four Block Parties: Adrian Harvest Day, Haywood Drive, PACA (includes Parkside, Ammon, and Azalea Roads), Wilburn-Hillrock-Bradford neighborhoods